jueves, abril 23, 2009

I can't remember when it was good, Moments of happiness elude


My memories begin with that photograph of you and me facing the camera. You are standing over a thin stick. You are not you, but the same, it's you. I ask someone - can't remember who- if you looked like you. "No, he doesn't look like him", she said, "but well, the same he is in here undercover. He wants peace, no disturbing of any kind. Do you know what he would hate the most? For you to mention his brand. He is in here to forget himself and everything related, so never say a word that reminds him his success".

I was quite happy of touring you. I knew that, on that specific moment, I was the only one in who you trusted the most. I knew who you are, but I faked you were a stranger, and that made you comfortable enough to spend most of the day with me, even when not revealing much about yourself. There was no facts, neither story behind the man: just the man and his essence. We crossed the desert, were walking there all day long. Then night started to approach, and when the red skies appeared far away ahead, I became you.

Your father, who then I took as mine, was behind the track of some important thing you... I!... was not interested on following. Some scientific research I just felt apathetic about, but he was just so damn excited.
He leaded his team ahead. I was walking behind them, slower each time. Suddenly, floor started to crumble below my foots, cracking and revealing a hole that ate one of the heavy and expensive digging machines the expedition brought. You could not see the bottom. It was an abyss.
Slowly, I started to climb down the hole, carefully. They were approaching by the other side.

I took my lantern and pointed the light to the other side of the crank. What I saw was beyond than mesmerizing.

The first notes of falling away started to play while they started to move, waking up from their millennium sleep, from a time before good and evil concept was created. It's hard to explain, but watch them move was like watching the purest of the innocences, and that mere act ignited a sparkle of joy I had not felt in long, long time. They arose, slowly. I couldn't help but keep on watching, So our father did...

Then the accident...
Then he falling...

... falling away, with you.


Frases para el bronce:

Los animales se consideran props?
- Freddy Macabre

Si te inyectas jugo en las venas, te mueres?
- Sara Alicia Mazariegos

Yo te confrontè, tuve huevos y te confrontè en el msn.
- Sv Alteza

Un taco sin cebolla no es cebolla

- Desconocido en puesto de tacos

"Sólo tiene poquito animal!"
- La mamá de una conocida,
queriendo convencer a mi entonces novio
(que es vegetariano) de que comiera gelatina,
cosa que no hace porque la grenetina
está hecha de cartílago.

"Manejaba muy mal, iba zigzagueando por toda la avenida...
pero ya que llegó a la curva se fué derecho"

- La hermana de una compañera de la prepa
que no me acuerdo como se llama

"Chale, verdad?"
- Un agente de recursos humanos
del Señor Frogs en Playa del Carmen,
"repasando" mi nombre minutos después
de que le dijera que era Nell...
así como diciendo "nel, ni madres"


3 comentarios:

Myr dijo...

jajaja no manches, las frases estan geniales, me hicieron reir..
cuando leí lo de la alteza en su blog igual me quede con cara de uh?.. pero.. ps es chida.. se le perdona

que tengas buen día

Nell dijo...

En su debido contexto, todas las frases tienen su punto... pero por sí solas suenan hilarantes :D

isis dijo...

cool poste.