miércoles, noviembre 19, 2008

Te amo, te odio, te odio, te amo... Aahhh como odio amarteeee

Declaro el día de hoy como el día oficial de la batalla del Deviant contra Nell. De hecho fué ayer... como sea.
Nuestra tragicomedia comienza en las lejanas tierras insondables de Cinépolis Galerías. Después de chutarme un filme noruego ultrasoporífero sobre una morra y un trasvesti que se enamoran... que tal vez era sueco y no noruego, total, uno de esos países de la península que se parece al alien del norte de Europa... la península, no el alien... en qué estaba? Ahh si, después de chutarme esa película en la que no se que le quieran decir mis amigos gays a alguien, que no me queda claro a quien... salimos por los pasillos del cine y pasamos al lado de este poster:

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Dícese que es de una película basada en una serie de libros que es muy popular. De oidas conozco la trama, y de oidas conozco la comparación contra las crónicas Vampíricas de Anne Rice. De oidas he sabido que la historia es chichézcamente apestosa y de oir el tema de Paramore me intuyo que esto está hecho para vender. No tengo información de primera mano para juzgar si el material es bueno o no... lo que sí jaló mis retinas fué el hecho de que el cast y el diseño de personajes se ve como algo que yo hubiera hecho... y como el vampiro en turno encaja a la perfección con mi colección de elfos gays, no resistí la tentación de borrar a la morra que mosquea la imagen y confeccionarle a mi desktop este bonito wallpaper. Tampoco resistí la tentación de subirlo al deviant y compartirlo con todas las niñas y gays que, como yo, poseen la superficialidad de mierda necesaria para apreciar las bellas facciones del pálido muchacho. Y como eso de sucumbir a las tentaciones hace llorar al niño dios, llega el staff del DeviantArt y me borra el archivo por infracción de copyright... cosa que, calculando el tráfico de la página en cuanto a fanarts y wallpapers, es el equivalente a sacarse la lotería.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Dramatización reactuada por Spiderman.

Total que la dieron de baja. Ni pedo. Edición cincominutera que cualquier chango entrenado se avienta, so... no hurt feelings. Entonces Deviantart dice "conque no hurt feelings, ehhh??" Y BOLAS!! Me borran mi flash de Death Note:

La versión de Youtube.

Ok. Mis sentimientos están heridos oficialmente :C
Me latía eso de recibir todos los días un comment de alguien que me decía que ese flash le había hecho el día, eso nivelaba el karma que me cargo por andar de ponzoñosa en los foros y en otros blogs. Mal pedo. Ahora tendré que portarme bien.
DeviantArt me dice que no importa que les haya dado el debido crédito en la descripción, en el título e incluso dentro del mismo flash... me pide que vaya y le pida permiso al creador original de DeathNote para poder subir el fanart.


Ahoritale hablo a Japón. Tb de paso les marco a Matt Bellamy y a Ville Valo para que me den chance de usar sus caras, a fin de cuentas que el google todo lo sabe y seguro consigo sus números, sus direcciones, sus medidas de calzado y la talla de ropa interior que usan, nomás denme un segundo...

DeviantArt: MAMASTE!!

... pero no me puedo enojar contigo, en parte porque me alimentas, en parte porque no podría vivir sin secciones como:

Los favoritos de Nell Fallcard

---------- Enjoy!----------


* DJStrife gets hot for Xerces
DJStrife: Xerces: That was supposed to be "hat". I got you a hat.

ZeiferRei: yashachan: !! Shave us! ;_;
ZeiferRei: *save.

TifaLavigne: and Christ pisses me off -.-
TifaLavigne: *Chris

Kyogo: i know i had a problem with bugs, get laid it works good :)
Kyogo: fuck... raid*

chix0r: what was going on earlier that would make you want to bang her?
chix0r: oh god
chix0r: I meant ban

AvaCole: Hey, new to deviant art anyone wana explain how to sue it please ?
AvaCole: use

Trapiki: Stickmanwww: i is tired, and now im feeling slightly down
vastblue: Trapiki: :cuddle: When feeling down, always hump around.
vastblue: jump*
vastblue: Shit!
dammitMEL: I like vastblue's logic.

r3trace: I have only been her like 10 minutes :D
r3trace: here
r3trace: Her?
1kisame94: xDDDDD
r3trace: Damn sex change

DelusionedGrandeur: what're you listening to?
belagagirl: nippleback
belagagirl: augh! nickelback!! nickelback!!!

Jakotsu-bby: Bratteh: Where'd Lindsay go?
BratGothGirl: OHMAHGAWWWD: Dunno, either bed or dick defragmenting.
BratGothGirl: *disk .w.

coutrney176: zombierap21: im a gay O_o
coutrney176: *guy
coutrney176: GUY
coutrney176: Fuck!!!

epZi: SasukeUchicha546: Pick up your penis and write whatever's on your mind
epZi: *PENS
epZi: FUCK
epZi: PENS

phathryyn: man i gotta go shit in a church!
phathryyn: SIT
phathryyn: SIT*

LonesomeFaery: I'm sitting there in the livingroom...rubbing my face in my nads....
LonesomeFaery: in my hands*
LonesomeFaery: WORST TYPO EVER

* Death-Wish-Kid is going to six fags in a few hours
Death-Wish-Kid: flags*
Ashlings: is that a gay bar Death-Wish-Kid?
Ashlings: :lmao:

* Hardcore-Cupcake takes his shit and throws it out the window
Hardcore-Cupcake: shit?
Hardcore-Cupcake: shirt*

18:20:09 sodalicious: I've never had to ream Hamlet
18:20:15 sodalicious: READ*
18:20:23 sodalicious: Oh my God.. >_<

andthemusic: Anyone watch Herpes?
andthemusic: LOL.
andthemusic: HEROES. I meant Heroes!

Gdark11: bananacomicsyay: Okay hold on..
Gdark11: bananacomicsyay: *balls*
bananacomicsyay: LOL
Gdark11: bananacomicsyay: LOL CALLS*
Gdark11: bananacomicsyay: Jeez!

JohnJensen: Hey everyone I'm homo!
JohnJensen: Err home*

OH... FUCK...

Kalediscope: I can do a hamster!
Kalediscope: ...
IAmTheException: Kalediscope said they can do a hamster!

tailsrulz: <:3 Theyain: lol that emote looks like a penis
Sayukarui: what
Sayukarui: the hell kind of penis
Sayukarui: have you been looking at
Theyain: a very small one Sayukarui
Theyain: oh wait...

Tierdaen: thumb sucking is awesome if you have some kind of flavoring on your thumb
mom-the-bomb: Tierdaen: nah, just my thumb, soothing
Tierdaen: my thumb tastes like ass for some reason
Tierdaen: er wait that came out wrong


arthaus: fuck this is so hard without a tablet.
OpalMist: Glad to hear you're off the viagra

10:58:34 pm garrit: my mother hadn't sex in her life, she's only my mum! :)
10:58:55 pm Ghouldaddy: sure thing jesus

playboy22: haha tru tru thats y u find sum1 who is old enough to drive lol n e way who said i kill ppl lol
* Boxymoron glares at playboy22
playboy22: y r u glareing at mi wat did i do to u
Boxymoron: playboy22: you annoy me with your typing skills, or lack thereof. :|
playboy22: wat typing skills?
Boxymoron: exactly

whoatherechief: ega drunk
whoatherechief: i ;like when peoplke buy me beers
whoatherechief: are you guyxz sgoked that :icon evoquesonething: got dev awqrd galllery director tjing?
whoatherechief: dev award gallery director thing? :o
whoatherechief: i think i go nowtoo
chix0r: happy hangover!
whoatherechief: botjong asp,me aspirons wpnmt focx
whoatherechief: i mesna
whoatherechief: notjing spome as[p[ioronds wont fox
chix0r: lol
whoatherechief: nothing some aspirinsnwpnt fix
whoatherechief: fuick\
whoatherechief: oooh
kamizu: gotcha
whoatherechief: you know whafr i mean\
chix0r: :bucktooth:
kamizu: wow
chix0r: I did yeah
chix0r: it was just fun to see you keep trying
whoatherechief: /SETAWAY F.SKUBSEFUHSD
chix0r: hahaha
whoatherechief: cuio:af
VernonX9000: :lol:
whoatherechief: HARD
whoatherechief: A/seta/wayu fucl.er
whoatherechief: mnother dfuicjkers
VernonX9000: :rofl:
* whoatherechief is away: fuck

gonorea: helllo
Chuckskull: wow what a name :O_o:
gonorea: my name?
Chuckskull: gonorea: yeah...
gonorea: whatever...
Chuckskull: [link] gonorea
gonorea: i come from bulgaria
Chuckskull: Thats an unlucky culture clash :O_o:
gonorea: o0o0o0o s***t m***r f**r
gonorea: aaa


IaiaRose: damn internet takes forever to download
Exen: IaiaRose: thats why we download files, and not the whole internet.

1kisame94: i kept thinking my dad is walking up the stairs
1kisame94: but its the fridge :O
* 1kisame94 and no, the fridge isnt walking up the stairs =.=

drackar: I've dated women that were somewhat abstract and very surreal.
Comrade-Kelly: We haven't covered sharing in kindergarten yet.
Comrade-Kelly: drackar: But mostly imaginary?
drackar: ...
drackar: No.
drackar: believe it or not, i was engaged at one point.
smoking-mirrors: The priest wouldn't marry you two without her consent?
drackar: ...no.
drackar: We had very different stances on gun control laws.
Smoking-mirrors: |:
Comrade-Kelly: Aww.
opioid: YOU SHOT HER?

Carbon-A: sneakysnickerz: :fear: You... you can die from too much water?!
anjules: Carbon-A: it's called drowning


cloe88888: .........................................................................................................................................
AblativeLove: Where's pacman when you need him?


** ididyourmother has joined
Ritty: Daddy?
ididyourmother: ... i was drunk!

CHUCKY93: ;__________________________________;
BlackHawk00021: well that puts new meaning into the phrase 'why the long face?'

qchiapetp: TheRevolutionX: maybe you should look into makeup too
qchiapetp: TheRevolutionX: its like photoshop, but on your face

Demoneangelo: ive gots a new haiku!
Demoneangelo: Haikus are easy,
But sometimes they don't make sense,
Demoneangelo: Demoneangelo: :rofl:
Demoneangelo: ....
Demoneangelo: Demonsama: :rofl:
Demoneangelo: That never happened.

* Nosdi doesn't poop for sexual reasons. :|
Coquisted-Donny: and we dont burp
Coquisted-Donny: or scratch our crotch
cypherxaint: lumipallo just burped when i joined :P
TZZDC: its like girls dont fart
TZZDC: they release lady like gasses
TZZDC: where their farts smell like flowers and spring time
Coquisted-Donny: I fart glitter
lumipallo: she did
Nosdi: I fart unicorns.
Nosdi:It's kind of painful.
Nosdi: But they're so beautiful.

** APimpingSquirrel has joined
** APimpingSquirrel has left
** APimpingSquirrel has joined
APimpingSquirrel: I forgot my purse
** APimpingSquirrel has left

dehk: my new yeears resolution
dehk: its 1280x1024

nlcrj: i have an idea. instead of emoticons, i want icons intended to decieve everyone. i call the decepticons

Jeaneai: Jeaneai puts the FUN in fundamental.
cuppas: i put the sexy in dyslexia

ExtraStudios: There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra than on Alzheimer's research.
ExtraStudios: This means that by 2020, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

joysoftruth: lawl. So, in America, to enter a porn site you have to be at least 18. But to enter an alcoholic website, you have to be at least 21. :lol:
joysoftruth: God that's so turned around. :slow:
depresedescapist: There's no harm in sex though.
joysoftruth: Masturbation causes blindness.
joysoftruth: kthx.
depresedescapist: :lmao:
depresedescapist: Sex isn't gonna go make you drive your car into three pedestrians and off a bridge.
joysoftruth: Masturbation while driving will.


StealthShott: I WAS JUST ON THE PHONE giving someone my moms number and i thought HE was looking for a pen..but he thought i was looking for the number!! so we both sat quietly for like 10 minutes! HAHAHAHAHAHA

opioid: owee
opioid: owww.
opioid: its really fucking stuck too
opioid: and my joints are so bad
opioid: this is when i hate that the most
opioid: opening shit.
Tachy-on: opioid: hot water...run hot water over the lid
* opioid tries that
opioid: it required the hot water, one of those rubber things, a towel, a loud grunt, and dropping to my knees in the kitchen.
Tachy-on: opioid: you know, you just described my last sexual experience.
opioid: roflmao

obloquitor: My friend called me to tell me he was a telemarketer.
obloquitor: He woke me up for that.

phathryyn: Katy i have this friend right?
phathryyn: i was on the line to see armaggedon
phathryyn: and he comes out of the movie theater and goes
phathryyn: hey Anta
phathryyn:bruce willis dies in this shit
phathryyn: WHAT?????
phathryyn: THE FUCK
phathryyn: so a few months later
phathryyn: i'm in the line to buy tickets to the sixth sense
phathryyn: and he randomly appears and say
phathryyn: bruce willis is still dead

IaiaRose: dammitMEL: okay that's really weird. I smell a conspiracy
** ohconspiracy has joined

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

No es "Seemon" pendeja, es "C'mon".

Nell dijo...

Es neologismo. Dicho de otro modo, yo lo digo como se me hincha. Por su atención, gracias.

no lo se :v dijo...

en donde m*erdas estoy? estaba buscando una palabra en wayuu y entro a este sitio por favor que alguien me explique xd :v