miércoles, agosto 25, 2010

Don't read my blog if you're not a Spanish native Speaker...

I was told once that, if I wanted to have lots of fun, I should try the triple google translation thing.
I did it back then, was hilarious indeed, then forgot about it... until now that I felt like translating whole pages with the google translation tool.


Here, an example of an old, ooooold post I wrote:

Original spanish entry:

Tuve una vez un mejor amigo que fué el mejor de los mejores amigos que pude alguna vez tener. Para mi mala suerte, y siguiendo el cliché por excelencia, terminé gustándole. Después de la protocolaria charla del "te quiero como amigo", se supone que quedamos como amiguis por siempre y seeehhh no hay pedo, pero una de las virtudes de ese mi antiguo amigo era la de la perseverancia, por lo que se fué metiendo, como quien no quiere la cosa, en el papel de "algo más que amigo" y ahí fué donde la cosa tronó, en primera, porque me espantaba a los clientes, y en segunda, porque me hacía los dramas que yo mencioné en el apartado uno, pero de a gratis porque no éramos nada. La situación llegó a ponerse tan pesada, tanto para mí como para él, que decidí borrarme del mapa sin consultarle. No fué feliz, pero no se me ocurrió nada mejor.
Desde entonces desarrollé un trauma a las "mejores amistades" que decidí no volver a tener ninguna, por lo menos, no tan cercanas... y si las tenía, por lo menos que fuera con alguien con quien no me importara terminar en otra cosa.

What it actually says:

I had a friend once, who was the best of the best friends I could ever had. Sadly, and following the ultimate cliche, he ended up developing a crush on me. After the "I love you as a friend" usual talk, we agreed on remaining friends, but one of the virtues of this my friend was Perseverance, so he started, little by little, behaving like if we were something more than friends and there was when everything got screwed, first, because he scared away the boys I actually liked and second, because he made a lot of drama out of nothing, since we were just friends and had no relationship. Situation turned out so suffocating for both of us that I decided to vanish forever without advice. He wasn't happy, but I couldn't find a better solution. Since then, I developed a trauma towards this whole "best friend" concept, that I decided to never again have any... at least, not that close... and If I had them at least it would be with someone who I wouldn't mind to end up as something more.

What Google translates:

I once had a best friend who was the best of the best friends I could ever have . To my bad luck , following the ultimate cliché , I ended up loving it. After the chat protocol "I love you as a friend " , is supposed to remain as amiguis seeehhh forever and no fart, but one of the virtues of that my old friend was the perseverance, so it was getting into, as one who does not want the thing, in the role of "more than friend " and that was where the thing thundered, at first , because I was frightened to customers, and second , because I made the plays that I mentioned in paragraph one, but to free because we were nothing. The situation came to be so heavy for me and for him, I decided to erase the map without being asked. He was not happy, but I can not think of anything better .
Since then I developed a trauma to the "best friends " I decided not to have one, at least not so close ... and if he had, at least it was with someone I did not care lead to nothing .

In google's version, I am the one after the kid. Fuck you google!

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

lo que escribes al final yo lo traduzco como: "pinchi gogul" =)

Fijate es como el telefono descompuesto del siglo XXI, termina volteandolo todo. Una buena contribuciòn en los navegadores podrìa ser (como el bloqueo de ventanas emergentes), el bloqueo de traductores.

Has probado escribir en ingles el sentido opuesto y traducirlo al español?, tendrà el mismo efecto?

Saludos Nell

Anónimo dijo...

El google siempre traduce todo bien trocho, las frases ni tienen sentido ¬¬

A mi eso de la barrita de traduccion me desespera mucho, siempre la cierro



Nell dijo...

De acuerdo a google, cuando Ave de Estinfalo escribió:

"El google siempre traduce todo bien trocho, las frases ni tienen sentido"

Si lo pasamos al inglés, y luego de regreso al español... luego al inglés, luego al español, etc, etc... termina diciendo:

"los resultados de Google y se facilite a todos los buenos, los ensayos o la recogida de"

Google, nunca cambies!

C.G. dijo...


Gracias a Dios casi todos los programas de traducción son malones, parece que los traductores seguiremos teniendo chamba por un bueeen rato.